Why 2nd Grade?
Research shows that if students aren’t reading at grade level by the end of 3rd grade, their academic future may be at risk. By focusing on 2nd grade, we provide the practice and incentives needed to help students excel before it’s too late.
Program Timeline
Start: August/September with a Pep Rally for 2nd graders and teachers. Contracts are signed and taken home for an adult signature.
Finish: Final grades are due the last week of November. You’ll submit a spreadsheet with grades and conduct.

Program Requirements
Superintendent approval and district support.
Meetings with relevant Principals and Literacy leaders.
Teacher orientation (less than 30 minutes) to be scheduled before school starts.
Commitment to timely data submission.
Let's Get Started!
Lets start with the form below, which will help us get a better idea of what your school looks like and get the ball rolling on the process.
CYCLE's annual bicycle distribution is limited to the quantity bikes and helmets we have available.
It is important to acknowledge that while CYCLE strives to support all deserving schools, it may not be possible to do so. Therefore, it is recommended that schools participate in a timely manner and complete all necessary steps to increase their chances of receiving bicycles in the next campaign.